Family Resources

Last Updated: December 17, 2020
Description Statistic
Our last positive COVID-19 test date (Resident or Employee) was: 1/12/2021
The 2-Week Scott County (Minnesota) Positivity Rate as of 1/21/21 is (Updated Weekly): 5.40%
At this time, we are working on our plans for Indoor Visits. A communication will be provided the week of 2/1/21. Thank you!

Get the Roadmap for Aging Gracefully

When it comes to health and well-being as we age, we literally wrote the books on it. 

Nationally renowned author, geriatrician, and Lifespark Chief Experience Officer, Dr. Bill Thomas, has written 4 books to help guide elders, family caregivers, and professionals through the principles and applications of aging magnificently.

Now, we’re happy to present the resources to you—completely free of charge. Simply download one of our eBooks and learn more about the aging journey, and what you can do to make a great life even better.

If you’re ready to see how we can support you or a loved one, reach out to us today or schedule a tour.

Meet Dr. Bill Thomas

Dr. Bill Thomas is a physician, professor, entrepreneur, playwright, and performer whose wide-ranging work explores the terrain of human aging. His dedication to culture change and innovations for well-being led the Wall Street Journal to highlight Dr. Thomas as one of the nation’s “top 10 innovators” changing the future of retirement in America.

Dr. Thomas also serves as Lifespark’s Chief Experience Officer, helping us innovate the experiences we offer to help those we serve live a life of enrichment, comfort, and belonging.

Rewrite Your Story

Dr. Bill Thomas has written 4 books about redefining the aging journey, covering topics that stretch managing health and wellness needs to finding purpose and belonging as part of a community.

Download each eBook today—for free!

Age Magnificently

Age Magnificently transforms how we view aging. Rather than focusing on decline and loss, it invites readers to embark on an exhilarating path of growth and discovery.

The Good Life

As we age, experiencing changes in health and wellness is inevitable, and planning for them is essential. The Good Life guides readers on creating their own vision of the good life. 

MESH: Move, Eat, Sleep, Heal

MESH: Move, Eat, Sleep, Heal provides a roadmap to finding strength, purpose, and belonging while illustrating how doing these four straightforward activities daily can help us age gracefully. 

Better Together

Throughout history, people have recognized the value of good neighbors. Better Together demonstrates how the Lifespark Lodge concept fosters community, improving life for everyone involved. 

Download Our Memory Care Guide

Cognitive conditions like dementia can have a significant effect on not just the individual living with it, but everyone who cares for them.

It is a journey that we are proud to support, and it starts with our free guide to memory care

Get a glimpse of what life is like for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, learn how to support their needs, and maintain stability and peace of mind for everyone in your family. 

Get in Touch or Schedule a Tour

Let us be your guide through the entire aging journey and see how we can help you or your loved one age magnificently.

Please contact us if you have any questions, or schedule a tour with us today to see what our memory care services can offer your loved one.

Why Choose Us?

Our regularly updated calendar ensures there’s a little spark in every day. Seize the opportunity to take up something new or get lost in an old past-time. The choices are endless, and they are yours to make.

Learn More

Health, safety, and stability are just a few of the pillars that support our community. With our trained staff members, you’ll find the help you need to live life on your terms.

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Our staff isn’t just here to work; they’re here to serve. Each of our team members is thoroughly trained, ensuring every resident can turn to someone with experience and the authority to do the right thing.

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Where to Find Us

Where to Find Us

Our community is located just 1.2 miles East of St Francis Regional Medical Center on Independence Drive in Shakopee, MN.


Email Us


1880 Independence Drive
Shakopee, MN 55379

Contact Information

Phone: 952-233-7351

Hours of Operations

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment
By Appointment

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