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At What Age Can Dementia Set in?

a man is working on a puzzle and has a confused look on his face due to dementia symptoms.

A deterioration in cognitive ability, memory loss, and behavioural abnormalities that interfere with day-to-day living are hallmarks of dementia. Memory loss can strike at any stage of life, despite the fact that it is typically linked to advanced age. The probability of having dementia rises with age. In fact, after the age of 65 it […]

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What Is the Best Treatment for Insomnia in Seniors?

A senior woman lying in bed holding her head as she finds it difficult to fall asleep at night. Seniors face insomnia and may need help to fall asleep.

Living with insomnia as an older adult can lead to a decline in health, even if their other needs are being met in a senior living community or they receive round-the-clock support in an assisted living community. Staying physically active as a senior is a great way to combat sleepless nights. Additionally, creating a good […]

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What Age Is Best to Move into a Retirement Community?

A senior couple in a retirement community is sitting on a bench enjoying their coffee outdoors.

Upon retiring, many older adults start to consider their next steps in life. During this time, it’s natural to feel nervous, anxious, and even hesitant about the transition.  Many older adults can live independently until their physical health declines and moving into a retirement community becomes necessary. Some older adults make the decision earlier, and […]

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